Cats from Ravenna {Italy} | cat pet world C-AT WORK, Cat, Italy, Ravenna Edit This is the second installment in a series of photos by Marianna Zampieri called C-AT WORK, featuring cats in the workplace. You can see pa... Read More
Cat from Vicenza {Italy} | cat pet world C-AT WORK, Cat, Italy, Vicenza Edit This is the first installment in a series of photos by Marianna Zampieri , called C-AT WORK , featuring cats in the workplace. We begin with... Read More
Cat from Limpopo {South Africa} | cat pet world Cat, Limpopo, South Africa Edit Happy Valentine's Day! Let's celebrate with a series of pictures of a heartwarming friendship between a baby rhino and a rescue cat.... Read More
Cats from Istanbul {Turkey} | cat pet world Cat, Istanbul, Turkey Edit A new cat documentary is hitting theaters today: Kedi (aka Nine Lives: Cats in Istanbul ). Istanbul is widely known as a city of cats. Hund... Read More