Cat from Kortrijk {Belgium} | cat pet world Belgium, Cat, Kortrijk Edit Some of us are homebodies, while others spend their days at the bar. Cats aren't any different. René is one of those cats that prefers l... Read More
Cat from Dinant {Belgium} | cat pet world Belgium, Cat, Dinant Edit Christmas is all about giving, and more often than not those who give the most are the poorest of all. On Sunday, I visited the Belgian city... Read More
Cat from Brussels {Belgium} | cat pet world Belgium, Brussels, Cat Edit FELINE PR MANAGER CHARMS HER WAY INTO CUSTOMERS' HEARTS Earlier this week, I decided to work on my new novel in a café in Brussels . F... Read More
Cats from Woluwe-St-Lambert {Belgium} | cat pet world Belgium, Cat, Woluwe-St-Lambert Edit I spent Saturday afternoon at the Halloween open doors event of Cat Rescue in Woluwe-St-Lambert (a borough of Brussels ). The first time I... Read More
Cats from Ghent {Belgium} | cat pet world Belgium, Cat, Ghent Edit After Mangakat and Le Chatouille , a third cat café has opened in Belgium. Welcome to DreamCATchers . This time, the location is the center... Read More